Dr. Mike Matesky and Michael Matesky II

with musical samples

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CD/DVD coversCD_DVD_Covers.html
music samplesMusic_Samples.html
CD/DVD samples

425.486.8472 or 206.240.5111

"I must tell you how amazed I was at your studio. I had heard that you were a cellist who did recording. I expected someone who had a recorder and several microphones set up in his living room. When I visited your studio I felt like the person in a movie who enters the mad scientist's laboratory and finds wonders beyond imagining. It is truly impressive --- and I have been in a few other studios -- including one owned by the son of the world's second richest man -- Warren Buffett."

   ... Brian Riordan, Mill Creek, WA

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Steve Jobs

1955 - 2011

Thank you